태양계 행성의 순서 및 크기와 특징 수금지화목토천해명

안녕하세요. 오늘은 태양계 행성과 관련된 내용으로 글을 써보려고 합니다. 오늘 알아볼 내용은 태양계 행성의 순서와 크기 그리고 태양계 행성의 특징입니다. 학창 시절에 수금지 화목 토천의 해명으로 태양계 행성의 순서를 외웠습니다만. 그중에서 명왕성은 크기가 작고 중력도 작기 때문에 태양계 행성에서의 지위를 박탈당했다고 합니다. 태양계 행성을 크기별로 나누면 목성-토성-천왕성-해왕성-지구금성-화성-수성 순이며 목성의 크기가 가장 크다고 합니다. 그러면 태양계의 행성들이 각각 어떤 특징이 있는지 살펴보도록 하겠습니다. 안녕하세요. 오늘은 태양계 행성과 관련된 내용으로 글을 써보려고 합니다. 오늘 알아볼 내용은 태양계 행성의 순서와 크기 그리고 태양계 행성의 특징입니다. 학창 시절에 수금지 화목 토천의 해명으로 태양계 행성의 순서를 외웠습니다만. 그중에서 명왕성은 크기가 작고 중력도 작기 때문에 태양계 행성에서의 지위를 박탈당했다고 합니다. 태양계 행성을 크기별로 나누면 목성-토성-천왕성-해왕성-지구금성-화성-수성 순이며 목성의 크기가 가장 크다고 합니다. 그러면 태양계의 행성들이 각각 어떤 특징이 있는지 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.

cadop, 출처 Unsplash cadop, 출처 Unsplash

First, Mercury is said to be the closest planet in the sun. Mercury’s surface is similar to Earth’s, but it has no atmosphere and is covered with many meteorites, so the revolution cycle is short at 88 days, but the rotation cycle is relatively slow at 55 days. Because of the long rotation cycle, the direction of exposure to sunlight changes, but it takes a long time and the temperature difference between day and night is large. In Korea, Venus called Venus, which can be seen at dawn, and Venus, which can be seen in the evening of Myojo, Kebabbaragi. Venus has a rotation cycle of 243 days and a revolution cycle of 225 days, and a day at Venus is said to be about eight months slow in Earth time. Also, since the direction of rotation is opposite to the earth, it seems that the sun rises in the west on Venus. The atmosphere is surrounded by thick carbon dioxide, which reflects the sun’s light the most, and the surface temperature of Venus is said to be hot due to the effective effect of surface heat not escaping into outer space. It seems that the earth has the characteristic of having the moon, which is a satellite. The age of the earth is about 4.6 billion, the rotation cycle is 365 days a day, and the atmosphere is similar to Venus, but nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide allow life to live, and maintain a temperature that is reasonably far from the sun. First, Mercury is said to be the closest planet in the sun. Mercury’s surface is similar to Earth’s, but it has no atmosphere and is covered with many meteorites, so the revolution cycle is short at 88 days, but the rotation cycle is relatively slow at 55 days. Because of the long rotation cycle, the direction of exposure to sunlight changes, but it takes a long time and the temperature difference between day and night is large. In Korea, Venus called Venus, which can be seen at dawn, and Venus, which can be seen in the evening of Myojo, Kebabbaragi. Venus has a rotation cycle of 243 days and a revolution cycle of 225 days, and a day at Venus is said to be about eight months slow in Earth time. Also, since the direction of rotation is opposite to the earth, it seems that the sun rises in the west on Venus. The atmosphere is surrounded by thick carbon dioxide, which reflects the sun’s light the most, and the surface temperature of Venus is said to be hot due to the effective effect of surface heat not escaping into outer space. It seems that the earth has the characteristic of having the moon, which is a satellite. The age of the earth is about 4.6 billion, the rotation cycle is 365 days a day, and the atmosphere is similar to Venus, but nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide allow life to live, and maintain a temperature that is reasonably far from the sun.

Blancoff Photos, Source Unflash Blancoff Photos, Source Unflash

Mars is an interesting planet as a second planet and often appears in movies. The orbital period of Mars is 687 days, and the rotation period is the most similar to that of Earth, and the rotation axis is tilted about 25 degrees, but research shows that there is a change in the rotation axis. There is a large volcano on the surface of Mars, which shows that there has been great crustal activity in the past, and iron oxide is said to be a red-looking planet covered with sand and gravel, which are the main components. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and is said to be about 11 times larger in diameter than Earth. It seems that convection phenomenon occurs due to fast rotation, and streaks can be seen on the surface. Also, the revolution period is 12 years, and Jupiter rotates the fastest on the equator for 9 hours and 50 minutes, and in the polar region, it rotates relatively slowly, which is called differential rotation in 9 hours and 55 minutes. And Jupiter has so many satellites orbiting Jupiter that it is called a small solar system that it has a strong magnetic field, but it estimates that it is due to liquid metal hydrogen inside. Saturn is said to have a beautiful ring among the planets in the solar system. The rotation period is about 10 hours and 33 minutes, and the revolution period is about 30 years, making it the second largest planet after Jupiter, but the density is the lowest, and the earth is about 95 times heavier than Saturn. Gravity is similar to Earth, and Saturn also has satellites, but Titan is the most famous, and Titan is said to be bigger than Mercury. Saturn’s rings are made of blocks of ice and stone, and they are formed by Saturn’s gravity. In addition to Saturn, there are Jupiter, Neptune, and Tenno, but Saturn is said to be the most obvious. Mars is an interesting planet as a second planet and often appears in movies. The orbital period of Mars is 687 days, and the rotation period is the most similar to that of Earth, and the rotation axis is tilted about 25 degrees, but research shows that there is a change in the rotation axis. There is a large volcano on the surface of Mars, which shows that there has been great crustal activity in the past, and iron oxide is said to be a red-looking planet covered with sand and gravel, which are the main components. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and is said to be about 11 times larger in diameter than Earth. It seems that convection phenomenon occurs due to fast rotation, and streaks can be seen on the surface. Also, the revolution period is 12 years, and Jupiter rotates the fastest on the equator for 9 hours and 50 minutes, and in the polar region, it rotates relatively slowly, which is called differential rotation in 9 hours and 55 minutes. And Jupiter has so many satellites orbiting Jupiter that it is called a small solar system that it has a strong magnetic field, but it estimates that it is due to liquid metal hydrogen inside. Saturn is said to have a beautiful ring among the planets in the solar system. The rotation period is about 10 hours and 33 minutes, and the revolution period is about 30 years, making it the second largest planet after Jupiter, but the density is the lowest, and the earth is about 95 times heavier than Saturn. Gravity is similar to Earth, and Saturn also has satellites, but Titan is the most famous, and Titan is said to be bigger than Mercury. Saturn’s rings are made of blocks of ice and stone, and they are formed by Saturn’s gravity. In addition to Saturn, there are Jupiter, Neptune, and Tenno, but Saturn is said to be the most obvious.

프리블, 출처 프리블, 출처 언스플래시

천왕성은 자전 주기는 17.14 시간이고 공전 주기는 84 년 정도라고 합니다. 또한 1781년에 윌리엄 허셜에 의해 처음 발견된 행성이라고 합니다. 그 전에는 토성 밖에 행성이 있다고는 생각하지 않았다고 합니다. 천왕성은 대기에 있는 메탄이 태양빛을 흡수해 푸른색으로 빛나고 토성처럼 고리가 있지만 검은색이어서 잘 보이지 않는다고 합니다. 그리고 중력이 지구의 88% 정도이기 때문에 지구에서 100kg인 사람은 천왕성에서 88kg이 된다고 합니다. 천왕성은 지구보다 63배 크고, 15배 무겁고, 주성분이 얼음으로 되어 있다고 합니다. 천왕성의 특징 중 가장 큰 것은 누워있는 행성이라는 것인데 자전축이 97.7도 정도 기울어져 있기 때문이라고 합니다. 특별한 기상 현상은 관측되지 않고, 구름이나 바람의 이동이 없다고 합니다. 해왕성은 공전 주기는 164.8 년 정도이며, 자전 주기는 15 시간 40 분 정도라고 합니다. 태양에서 가장 먼 행성이기 때문에 온도가 매우 낮은데 구름 윗부분의 온도가 영하 218도 정도라고 합니다. 자전축은 28도 정도 기울어져 있고 중력은 지구의 1.14배에 달한다고 합니다. 또한 해왕성은 대기에 메탄이 많이 포함되어 있어서 천왕성보다 더 푸르게 보인다고 합니다. 천왕성은 자전 주기는 17.14 시간이고 공전 주기는 84 년 정도라고 합니다. 또한 1781년에 윌리엄 허셜에 의해 처음 발견된 행성이라고 합니다. 그 전에는 토성 밖에 행성이 있다고는 생각하지 않았다고 합니다. 천왕성은 대기에 있는 메탄이 태양빛을 흡수해 푸른색으로 빛나고 토성처럼 고리가 있지만 검은색이어서 잘 보이지 않는다고 합니다. 그리고 중력이 지구의 88% 정도이기 때문에 지구에서 100kg인 사람은 천왕성에서 88kg이 된다고 합니다. 천왕성은 지구보다 63배 크고, 15배 무겁고, 주성분이 얼음으로 되어 있다고 합니다. 천왕성의 특징 중 가장 큰 것은 누워있는 행성이라는 것인데 자전축이 97.7도 정도 기울어져 있기 때문이라고 합니다. 특별한 기상 현상은 관측되지 않고, 구름이나 바람의 이동이 없다고 합니다. 해왕성은 공전 주기는 164.8 년 정도이며, 자전 주기는 15 시간 40 분 정도라고 합니다. 태양에서 가장 먼 행성이기 때문에 온도가 매우 낮은데 구름 윗부분의 온도가 영하 218도 정도라고 합니다. 자전축은 28도 정도 기울어져 있고 중력은 지구의 1.14배에 달한다고 합니다. 또한 해왕성은 대기에 메탄이 많이 포함되어 있어서 천왕성보다 더 푸르게 보인다고 합니다.

nasa, 출처 Unsplash nasa, 출처 Unsplash

Today, we talked about the order of planets and the size and characteristics of planets in our solar system. When I was a student, it was a planet in the solar system that I remembered well through the clarification of Wednesday, Friday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Pluto disappeared from the planets of the solar system, so forget about it and know the size and characteristics of the rest of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune Today, we talked about the order of planets and the size and characteristics of planets in our solar system. When I was a student, it was a planet in the solar system that I remembered well through the clarification of Wednesday, Friday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Pluto disappeared from the planets of the solar system, so forget about it and know the size and characteristics of the rest of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune


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