효의 상징인 어버이날 카네이션 화분 키우기, 꽃말 완벽 정리

Parents’ Day carnation flowerpot, a symbol of filial piety, and flower language is perfectly organized.

Carnation is one of the four most important flowers along with roses, chrysanthemums, and tulips. Carnation is a symbol of filial piety that reminds me of Parents’ Day on May 8th. The carnations I would like to give my parents are cut into flower baskets and bouquets, but sometimes flowers planted in carnation pots are grown. Today’s posting details about raising carnations that symbolize parents. Scientific name: Dianthus caryophyllus family: Stone bamboo family Origin: Southern Europe and West Asia flowering season: Spring and summer proper growth temperature: 10 to 20 degrees (vulnerable to temperatures above 25 degrees) Watering: Dry soil (weak to excess humidity) Sunlight: Love, respect, appreciation, love.

Carnation is one of the four most important flowers along with roses, chrysanthemums, and tulips. Carnation is a symbol of filial piety that reminds me of Parents’ Day on May 8th. The carnations I would like to give my parents are cut into flower baskets and bouquets, but sometimes flowers planted in carnation pots are grown. Today’s posting details about raising carnations that symbolize parents. Scientific name: Dianthus caryophyllus family: Stone bamboo family Origin: Southern Europe and West Asia flowering season: Spring and summer proper growth temperature: 10 to 20 degrees (vulnerable to temperatures above 25 degrees) Watering: Dry soil (weak to excess humidity) Sunlight: Love, respect, appreciation, love.

Around 1910, an American woman handed out white carnations to commemorate her mother. Then in 1914, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president of the United States, designated the second Sunday of May as Mother’s Day, marking its official anniversary. On the second Sunday of May, it has been said that living parents are given red carnations and dead parents are given white carnations. Korea first designated Mother’s Day on May 8, 1956, but it changed its name to Parents’ Day in 1973 and has continued to this day.

Originally, carnations were seeds that bloom when the temperature rises due to longer exposure to the sun in spring and summer, but they bloom throughout the four seasons after being improved in combination with Chinese bald flowers. Flower garden carnations are usually shipped the most around Parents’ Day in April and May, but cut carnations in the flower market are used as flower arrangement materials so much that they are shipped all year round. It also has the advantage of having a longer flowering period than other flowers.

Place in sunny gardens, verandas, or window sides for more than 6 hours. When the soil dries, it gets soaking wet. Planting it in well-drained soil because it is vulnerable to overhumidity is very helpful for the growing environment. In order to create such a growing environment, ventilation is the most important thing. A variety similar to an ague flower called a incense carnation can also be used for open-air wintering. It can reproduce with seeds and cuttings, and cuttings are very easy compared to other plants. The appropriate temperature for carnations to grow is 10 to 20 degrees, and you can see the flowers of each season if you keep them above 10 degrees.

The typical flower language of carnations is “love,” “respect,” “thank you,” “love,” and “wife’s love,” but each color has a slightly different flower language.Red: touching, mother’s love, health prayer Pink: beautiful gestures, confession of love White: I still love you, respect, pure yellow of love: I despise you. insult

The typical flower language of carnations is “love,” “respect,” “thank you,” “love,” and “wife’s love,” but each color has a slightly different flower language.Red: touching, mother’s love, health prayer Pink: beautiful gestures, confession of love White: I still love you, respect, pure yellow of love: I despise you. insult


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